Michelle Crimi

Dean of the Graduate School / Acting Associate Vice Provost for Research & Technology Transfer / Interim Vice Provost for Research & Technology / Professor of Environmental Engineering
Michelle  Crimi Headshot


I am a Professor in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, with a joint appointment in Engineering & Management. My research focuses on developing in situ treatment technologies for groundwater contamination, determining the impact of groundwater technologies on aquifer quality, and integrating treatment technologies for optimized risk reduction. Recent work has focused on treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and other emerging contaminants. My projects are often conducted in partnerships with industry and consulting organizations and often have a strong technology transfer focus with the objective of moving technologies from the laboratory to full scale adoption by developing guidance, tools, protocols, and workshops to support field application. I earned my B.S. in Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Toxicology from Clarkson University (Let's Go Tech!), my M.S. in Environmental Health from Colorado State University, and my Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. I currently teach courses in Team-Based Design & Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship.

Education Background

Environmental Science and Engineering Ph.D. - 2002 Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO
Environmental Health M.S. - 1997 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Toxicology B.S. - 1995 Clarkson University

Courses Taught

  • EM120 - Team-Based Design & Innovation
  • EM121 - Technological Entrepreneurship

Research Interests

My areas of research interest include the development of in situ remediation technologies for treating contaminated groundwater, chemical oxidation of organic contaminants, impacts of in situ remediation on aquifer quality, and the integration of treatment technologies for optimized risk reduction. Current projects focus on developing novel approaches for treating recalcitrant compounds such as 1,4-dioxane, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and developing new approaches to implement technologies more efficiently.


  • ESTCP Project of the Year Award, Demonstration and Validation of the Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment (HRX) Well for Managing Contaminant Plumes in Complex Geological Environments, co-PI with PI Dr. Craig Divine (Arcadis) December 2020
  • Research Excellence Award, Clarkson University Sept 2015
  • Outstanding Advisor Award, Clarkson University May 2014


  • “Sonolysis-Based In Situ PFAS Treatment within an HRX Well.”  2021-2023. Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator Dr. Craig Divine (Arcadis), and Co-PIs Dr. Fiona Laramay (RemWell), Jesse Wright (Arcadis), Jeff McDonough (Arcadis), Dr. Christopher Griggs (Army ERDC), Michael Riggle (US Army Corps of Engineers), Michael Lubrecht (Ellingson-DTD).
  • “Plasma Based Treatment Processes for PFAS Investigation Derived Waste.”  2018-2020. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP).  Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator Dr. Tom Holsen (Clarkson), and Co-PI’s Dr. Selma Mededovic-Thagard (Clarkson), Dr. Stephen Richardson (GSI Environmental), and Dr. Steven Woodard (ECT2).  
  • “Removal and Destruction of PFAS and Co-contamination from Groundwater.”  2018-2021. Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator Nathan Hagelin (Amec Foster Wheeler), David Woodward (Amec Foster Wheeler), Jeffery Heath (Amec Foster Wheeler), Steven Woodard (ECT2), John Berry (ECT2), Dr. Tom Holsen (Clarkson), Dr. Selma Mededovic-Thagard (Clarkson), Tim Appleman (NAVFAC).
  • “Combined In Situ / Ex Situ Treatment Train for Remediation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Contaminated Groundwater.”  2018-2021. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP). Principal Investigator with Co-PI’s Dr. Tom Holsen (Clarkson), Dr. Selma Mededovic-Thagard (Clarkson), Dr. Jennifer Guelfo (Brown University), Nathan Hagelin (Amec Foster Wheeler), Jeffery Heath (Amec Foster Wheeler), Dave Woodward (Amec Foster Wheeler), Bill Malyk (Amec Foster Wheeler), Steven Woodard (ECT2), Tim Appleman (NAVFAC).
  • “In Situ In-Line Reactor for Remediation of Groundwater Contaminants.” 2018.  NEXUS-NYSERDA. Principal Investigator with Co-Principal Investigator Fiona Laramay.
  • “Demonstration and Validation of the Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment (HRX) Well for Managing Contaminant Plumes in Complex Geological Environments.” $1,092,006 (Clarkson portion $178,884). 2016-2019. Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator Dr. Craig Divine (ARCADIS) and Dr. J.F. Devlin (U. Kansas).
  • “Demonstration of a Long Term Sampling Approach for Distinguishing Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air.” $481,680. 2015-2018. Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator Dr. Alan Rossner (Clarkson University) and Dr. Loren Lund (CH2M HILL).
  • “In Situ Treatment Train for Remediation of Perfluoroalkyl Contaminated Groundwater: In Situ Chemical Oxidation of Sorbed Contaminants (ISCO-SC).” $374,000. 2014-2017. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP). Principal Investigator with co-PI’s Dr. Tom Holsen (Clarkson), Dr. Chris Bellona (Clarkson), Dr. Craig Divine (ARCADIS).
  • “Investigation of Novel Slow-Release Capsules.” $40,351. 2014-2015. Undisclosed industry. Principal Investigator with co-PI Dr. Silvana Andreescu.
  • “Sustained In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) of 1,4-Dioxane Using Slow Release Chemical Oxidant Cylinders”. $898,000 (Clarkson portion $99,423). 2013-2016. Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP). Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator Dr. Patrick Evans (CDM Smith) and co-PI Dr. Pamela Dugan (Carus Corporation).


  • Dugan, P.J., R.L. Siegrist, M. Crimi. U.S. Patent # 7,553,105. Method and Compositions for Treatment of Subsurface Contaminants. June 30, 2009.


Books and Book Chapters

  • Siegrist, T.L., M. Crimi, N. Thomson, M. Marley, and W. Clayton (2014). “In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Source Zone Remediation” in Chlorinated Solvent Source Zone Remediation B.H. Keuper, H.F. Stroo, and C.H. Ward (eds.). Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, New York. A volume in SERDP/ESTCP Remediation Technology Monograph Series, peer reviewed.
  • Siegrist, R.L., M. Crimi, T.J. Simpkin (eds) (2011). In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, New York. A volume in SERDP/ESTCP Remediation Technology Monograph Series, C.H. Ward (Series ed), peer reviewed.

Chapters within

  • M. Crimi, T.J. Simpkin, T. Palaia, B.G. Petri, and R.L. Siegrist. “Systematic Approach for Site-Specific Engineering of ISCO”
  • Siegrist R.L., M. Crimi, T.J. Simpkin, R.A. Brown, and M. Unger. “ISCO Status and Future Directions”
  • Siegrist R.L., M. Crimi, and R.A. Brown. “In Situ Chemical Oxidation: Technology Description and Status”
  • Petri B.G., R. J. Watts, A. Tsitonaki, M. Crimi, N.R. Thomson, and A.L. Teel. “Fundamentals of ISCO Using Persulfate”
  • Siegrist R.L., M. Crimi, M.M. Broholm, J. McCray, T. Illangasekare, P.J. Bjerg. Advances in groundwater remediation: achieving effective in situ delivery of chemical oxidants and amendments. Chapter 15 in: FF Quercia, D. Vidojevic (Eds.), Clean Soil and Safe Water, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Springer Publishing, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-94-007-2242-2. December, 2011, 299 pp.
  • Phenrat, T., M. Crimi, T. Illangasekare, and G. V. Lowry (2011). “Reactive Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Chlorinated Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) in Soil and Groundwater,” in Nanotechnology for Environmental Decontamination (eBook). M.K. Ram, S. Andreescu, and H. Ding (eds.) McGraw-Hill, New York. USA. May 2011.
  • Siegrist R.L., M. Crimi, J. Munakata-Marr, T. Illangasekare, P. Dugan, J. Heiderscheidt, B. Petri, and J. Sahl (2008). Chemical Oxidation for Clean Up of Contaminated Groundwater. In: Methods and Techniques for Cleaning-up Contaminated Sites. M.D. Annable et al. (ed.), 2008 Springer, p. 45-58.
  • Siegrist R.L., M.A. Urynowicz, O.R. West, M.L. Crimi, and K.S. Lowe (2001).Principles and Practices of In Situ Chemical Oxidation Using Permanganate.Battelle Press, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.

Technical Reports

  • Crimi M., J.A.K. Silva, T. Palaia (2013). Final Report: Cooperative Technology Demonstration: Polymer-Enhanced Subsurface Delivery and Distribution of Permanganate. Prepared for ESTCP, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Siegrist R.L., R. Oesterreich, L. Woods, M. Crimi (2010). Final Report: Improved Monitoring Methods for Performance Assessment During Remediation of DNAPL Source Zones. SERDP Project ER-1490. Prepared for SERDP, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Siegrist R.L., M. Crimi, B. Petri, T. Simpkin, T. Palaia, FJ Krembs, J Munakata-Marr, T Illangasekare, G Ng, M Singletary, N Ruiz (2010). In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation: Site Specific Engineering and Technology Application. ER-0623 Final Report (CD-ROM, Version PRv1. 01, October 29, 2010). Prepared for the ESTCP, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Crimi M. (2008). Final Report: Control of Manganese Dioxide Particles Resulting from In Situ Chemical Oxidation Using Permanganate. SERDP Project ER-1484. Prepared for SERDP, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Siegrist R.L., B. Petri, F. Krembs, M. Crimi, S. Ko, T. Simpkin, T. Palaia (2008). Workshop Report: In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater – Summary Proceedings of an ISCO Technology Practices Workshop. Prepared for ESTCP, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Siegrist R.L., M. Crimi, J. Munakata-Marr, T. Illangasekare, K. Lowe, S. Van Cuyk (2006). Final Report: Reaction and Transport Processes Controlling In Situ Chemical Oxidation of DNAPLs. SERDP Project CU-1290. Prepared for SERDP, Arlington, VA, USA.
  • Crimi M. (2005). A comparison of methods to activate sodium persulfate for lindane destruction. Prepared for FMC Corporation, Philadelphia, PA.

Peer Reviewed Works

  • Nzeribe B., S. Mededovic Thagard, T. Holsen, G. Stratton, M. Crimi (2018). “Oxidation and Reduction Approaches for Treatment of Perfluoroalkyl Substances” Chapter 12 in: Perfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment: Theory, Practice, and Innovation D.M. Kempisty, Y. Xing, L. Racz (eds.). CRC Press. ISBN 9781498764186 – CAT# K29009. August, 2018, 600 pp.
  • Laramay, F., & Crimi, M. Theoretical evaluation of chemical and physical feasibility of an in situ ultrasonic reactor for remediation of groundwater contaminated with per‐and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Remediation Journal. 31(1), 45-58.
  • Laramay, F., & Crimi, M. A sustainability assessment of an in situ ultrasonic reactor for remediation of PFAS‐contaminated groundwater. Remediation Journal. 31(1),57-92.
  • Divine, C. E., Wright, J., Crimi, M., Devlin, J. F., Lubrecht, M., Wang, J., ... & Osorno, T. (2020). Field Demonstration of the Horizontal Treatment Well (HRX Well®) for Passive In Situ Remediation. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 40(3), 42-54.
  • Nzeribe, B. N., Li, W., Crimi, M., Yao, G., Divine, C. E., McDonough, J., & Wang, J. (2020). Hydraulic performance of the horizontal reactive media treatment well: Pilot and numerical study. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, 40(3), 30-41.
  • Zorgani, A. E., Crimi, M., Cibati, A., & Trois, C. (2020). Evaluation of South African Sand/Zero-Valent Iron Combinations for the Treatment of Nitrate-Contaminated Water: Kinetic and Effect of Competitive Ions. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 231, 1-9.
  • Nocetti, D., Crimi, M., & Rossner, A. (2019). Sampling strategies in the assessment of long‐term exposures to toxic substances in air. Remediation Journal, 30(1), 5-13.
  • Ahrens, L., Benskin, J. P., Cousins, I. T., Crimi, M., & Higgins, C. P. (2019). Themed issues on per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 5(11), 1808-1813.
  • Ahrens, L., Benskin, J. P., Cousins, I. T., Crimi, M., & Higgins, C. P. (2019). Themed issues on per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 21(11), 1797-1802.
  • Simon, J. A., Abrams, S., Bradburne, T., Bryant, D., Burns, M., Cassidy, D., ... & Denly, E. (2019). PFAS Experts Symposium: Statements on regulatory policy, chemistry and analytics, toxicology, transport/fate, and remediation for per‐and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination issues. Remediation Journal, 29(4), 31-48.
  • Siriwardena D., M Crimi, T.M. Holsen, C. Bellona, C. Divine, E. Dickenson (2019). Influence of Groundwater Conditions and Co-contaminants on Sorption of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds to Granular Activated Carbon.  Remediation Journal, 29(3), 5-15.
  • Evans, P. J., Dugan, P., Nguyen, D., Lamar, M., & Crimi, M. (2019). Slow-release permanganate versus unactivated persulfate for long-term in situ chemical oxidation of 1, 4-dioxane and chlorinated solvents. Chemosphere, 221, 802-811.
  • Nzeribe, B., Crimi, M., Mededovic Thagard, S., & Holsen, T. M. (2019). Physico-Chemical Processes for the Treatment of Per-And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49:10, 866-915.
  • Siriwardena, D. P., Crimi, M., Holsen, T. M., Bellona, C., Divine, C., & Dickenson, E. (2019). Changes in Adsorption Behavior of Perfluorooctanoic Acid and Perfluorohexanesulfonic Acid Through Chemically-Facilitated Surface Modification of Granular Activated Carbon. Environmental Engineering Science, 36(4), 453-465.
  • Divine, C.E., J. Wright, J. Wang, J. McDonough, M. Kladias, M. Crimi, B.N. Nzeribe, J.F. Devlin, M. Lubrecht, D. Ombalski, W. Hodge, H. Voscott, K. Gerber (2018). The Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well) for Passive In Situ Remediation: Design, Implementation, and Sustainability Considerations.  Remediation Journal, DOI: 10.1002/rem.21571.  
  • Guelfo J., T. Marlow, S. Frickel, D. Klein, M. Crimi, E. Suuberg (2018).  Evaluation and management strategies for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water aquifers: perspectives from impacted US Northeast communities.  Environmental Health Perspectives, 65001, 126(6).
  • Divine, C.E., T. Roth, M. Crimi, A. DiMarco, J. Gillow, G. Leone (2017).  The Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX WellTM) for Passive In-Situ Remediation.  Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, DOI: 10.1111/gwmr.12252.
  • Silva J., M. Crimi, T. Palaia, S. Ko, S. Davenport (2017). Field Demonstration of Polymer-Amended In Situ Chemical Oxidation (PA-ISCO).  Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 199:36-49.
  • Yao, G., K.M. Bliss, M. Crimi, K.R. Fowler, J. Clark-Stone, W. Li, P. Evans (2016). Radial Basis Function Simulation of Slow-Release Permanganate for Groundwater Remediation via Oxidation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 307:235-247.



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